
I retired two years ago after a career as an elementary music teacher.  This past summer I got the idea that it would be fun to visit all the museums in the St. Louis area, one a month.  When I developed the list I discovered that it would take more than four years to complete this task. 

I enlisted a friend, also a retired teacher, and we are planning our monthly trips which also include a meal at a local restaurant near the museum. We pull a museum name out of a hat each month and then do the rest of the planning.  We have six other friends who also taught with us over forty years ago that when they are able accompany us on these adult field trips.    

When I started doing research on the museums I learned that for some of the museums there was not much information online.  It was then that I decided to blog our experiences in the hope that my information would be helpful to others that might want to visit one of these locations.

The St. Louis area offers much in the way of history, art, sports, science, and other areas.  I hope that those that stumble upon my blog learn more about our great metropolitan area and its attractions.